Mr. Anderson, co-author of the book The Relevant Educator, identified characteristics common to relevant, connected educators...those who connect not only to learn, but also to share. So, want to find out if YOU could be classified as relevant and connected? Here are 8 questions to ask yourself:
1. How do you feel about learning new things? The relevant educator practices and models lifelong learning. For them, learning never stops! They continue to acquire knowledge through active participation in social networks like Edmodo, and Twitter...or really, anywhere else dialogue among educators is occurring.

3. Do you share? The relevant educator believes in sharing and collaboration: Connected educators do not wait until they are leaving the building before they open files, lesson plans, and projects to share with others. Relevant teachers share, so that students everywhere can benefit. Imagine if we never shared as a society...where would we be? How can you share? Certainly through websites like Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers, but also through capturing video (using Swivl). Video is an excellent way to share what you know about a topic, a product, or a new technique that you are trying in your classroom. (You Tube is proof of this!)
4. Do you prefer to work alone or with others? The relevant educator is willing to explore, question, elaborate, and advance ideas through connections with other educators. Twitter chats are invaluable in that they provide an opportunity to engage with other educators at any time and in any place. Literally! Twitter chats run from 3 in the morning (my time) to 11 at night. A list of chats can be found online and range in topic from 1:1 Technology to Parent-Teacher chats.
5. What tools do you use to learn and teach? The relevant educator uses technology and it's capability of connecting to other educators to learn and teach. Those connected participate in webinars, Hangouts, and Voxer groups to connect and learn from others.

7. When is the last time you gave new technology a try? The relevant educator is comfortable with new technology and regularly shows a willingness to explore. Connected educators stay on the edge of their comfort zone. They like to try and do new things.
8. What is more important knowing the facts or constructing knowledge? The relevant educator may put creation over content and relevance over doctrine. The connected educator believes that at times it is more important for students to construct new knowledge rather just memorizing facts. The connected educator tends to hold firm to the belief that the learning process is fluid, not rigid.
So, did you find any areas for improvement? I sure did, but I love the fact that until we breathe our last breath, we can all get better.