
Friday, August 30, 2013

#MyFavFriday: School Clothes Galore, Blog, and More

Trendy clothes with no commitment? Never do laundry again?  Wear a new outfit every day (or at least a couple of days a week)? Oh yes, with  #MyFavFriday find for the month, Gwynnie Bee!!!  My commitment for the new school year...try not to get into a work clothes rut.  In late July, I consciously considered my wardrobe (very, very rare) and decided that just because the students wear uniforms doesn't mean that I need to; though by the end of the last school year, I found myself wearing pretty much the same thing day in and day out.  So looking to get inspired, I started searching blogs for new styles and trends and stumbled upon...GWYNNIE BEE, which is by far my coolest find of the summer!!!
The rent-a-clothes website contains tons of cardigans, blouses, skirts, and dresses to allow a teacher to wear something different everyday of the school year.  The best part, they don't want you to wash the items!  At the end of the day, you simply throw your garment in the postage paid envelope and toss it into the outgoing mail.  Gwynnie Bee ships your next outfit immediately.  Fresh new looks without hours spent shopping...LOVE!!!
     My second favorite find...@druinok 's 180 Day Blog.  @druinok happens to one of my absolute favorite math teachers to follow on twitter and in the blog-o-sphere.  To get a peek into her daily happenings in the classroom thrills my soul. Only 2 weeks into her new blogging venture and already, I have spotted several activities to try and share like Sarah's (from Everyone Is a Genius) 31derful.
     I am picking up a class set of cards tomorrow for my last favorite find!  I think this might be a perfect focus activity for my very, very large, predominantly male 3rd block that is interrupted by lunch somewhere smack dab in the middle of the 90 minute class.  After a strong opening, starting the lesson, just getting the kids going, BAM...the bell rings.  Away we go to lunch.  Upon our return, it feels awkward diving back into number crunching.  I am thinking that perhaps math activities, like 31derful, would help re-direct students' attention as we transition back into class.  What do you think?  Anyone else with a split class???  How do you do it?  Ideas would certainly be appreciated.